Peychaud’s Aromatic Bitters
Peychaud’s Bitters is one of the two most classic gentian-based bitters but, unlike Angostura, Peychaud’s has a lighter body and more floral aroma, with notes of anise and spiced cherry. Sometimes nothing but Peychaud’s will do, and that is why it is one of only three brands to have survived the Prohibition.
Materials: Floral aroma with notes of anise and spiced cherry
Made by: Peychaud’s
Made in: New Orleans, Louisiana
Specifications: 10 oz.
Further Reading: In the early 1800’s, Antoine Amedie Peychaud, an apothecary, gained fame in New Orleans not for the drugs he dispensed, but for the compounding of a liquid tonic called bitters. These bitters, good for what ailed one, gave an added zest to the potions of cognac brandy he served in his pharmacy. Customers began demanding a dash of bitters in their brandy and the rest is history. The zest Peychaud’s Bitters gives drinks and food has given it an honored place in famous recipes the world over.